
MALIO (non alcoholic sparkling wine)

December 24th
     Today, I enjoyed this drink with my friends and teacher. It was the last lesson in this semester, so the teacher decided to held a party. Then I brought it to the party.



     As you can see at the tittle, it doesn't any alcohol, so it will never cause hanging over. You can enjoy drinking as much as you want. The scent is like real red wine, but the taste is completely just grape juice. So you can enjoy the mood of the party without alcohol. I think it is good for couples under the 20 years old (In Japan, it is banned for a person who is under 20 years old to drink alcohol). And also, it is good on Christmas which is tomorrow.
     Anyway, we had a good time with it. I recommend you!!
My Point of non alcoholic sparkling wine: ★★★★★
Have a nice Christmas!!


December 23th

     Today, I drank GOKURI produced by SUNTORY. After working at the library, I was really thirsty, so I went to a vending machine and then I found it. The can is smaller than normals (350 ml). So, it means that it is more expensive than normal, but I decided to buy it.

    When I opened the can, the fruity scent spread  immediately. It was awesome. The taste was also really mild. It was containing grape, apple and orange pulp. Sooo Sweet. I will defenetly buy it next time.

My Point of GOKURI:★★★★☆
You can buy it at this campus. So if you have a chance, BUY & TRY !!!


Local-Black Beer from Shiga

December 22th

    Today, I drank a bottle of local-black beer. I drank normal local beer before, but in this time, it was black version. When I drank it, first of all I felt it was very mild. I thought it was milder than local beer I drank before. But I prefer normal one because black one's aftertaste is not good.
     Anyway, I think it is good with meat dishes. It makes good harmony with this beer!! And also, it is easy for a person who doesn't care for beer to drink it.
My Point of this local black beer:★★☆☆☆
If you are interested in it, please TRY!!


My Original Cocktail (Plum Liqueur & ORANGINA)

December 17th
     Today, I created my original coktail. I had heard that plum and orange are well-compatibility, so I decided to make the coktail with those products. It was really easy to make it. Just mix together softly as not to go it flat (ratio of 1:1). 
     It tastes strange, but really good!! I recommend you. It was a real coktail which we can drink in the bars.
MY POINTS of My Coktail:★★★★☆
You can also make it easily and create your own coktail!!!!!

Local Beer from Shiga

December 15th

     Today, I drank a bottle of local beer which was produced in Nagahama, Shiga. This was the first time for me to drink local beer. I had thought that it was same as like KIRIN's, SUNTORY's, ASAHI's and SAPPORO's beers until I drank it, but it was completely different from tose kinds of beer.

     I think it tastes more bitter than normal beers, but it leaves a pleasant aftertaste. And also, it is good with Japanese dishes especially grilled fish and tempura, I think.


     As far as I know, it is sold in only LIQUOR MOUNTAIN, so if you want to try it, GO to LIQUOR MOUNTAIN.


Soybean Milk ② ('Yakiimo',sweet baked potato flavor)

December 12th
     Today, I will write about soybean milk again, but in this time, it is different flavor. It is 'Yakiimo', sweet baked potato flavor. It tastes really good as well as melon flavor. And also, it is not too sweet and like eating real sweet baked potato.

     As I said before, soybean milk is really good for our health. And this one is also good because it contains the most dietary fiber of all kinds of soybeans milk products.
     Anyway, in Tsuda area, you can buy it in only Heiwadou (infront of Tsudacyu-bus stop). So, if you want to try it, go to Heiwado.
My Points of Yakiimo flavor: ★★★☆☆


Soybean Milk ①(melon flavor)

December 3th
     It has been a long time since  I posted my last blog. I was really busy last month. Since November came, I have cared my health because I kept irregular hours. So, I decided to drink soybean milk instead of alcohol. I have tried to drink many kinds of soybean milk flavored with strawberries, Japanese tea, banana,  mixed fruits, maroon and so on.

Then, I think that soybean milk flavored the best of all products. It doesn't taste soybeans and it is like melon-milk juice.  And also, it is easy to drink. Soooo Yummmy !!!!!

My Points of This Product:★★★★★
If you care about your health, try it!!!!